Jan 12, 09:38 AM
Jobs wasn't smug at all IMHO. He was excited about it. You should of clearly seen that. He made a few jokes( like that prank call to Starbucks), but that was just his normal old humor. The only problem I had was with the order he stated iPod, phone, and internet communicator. The iPod and phone got good responses and then the internet communicator the people went, " ummm.... ok." I would of went internet communicator-> iPod-> phone. Get louder responses step and save the best for last. Other then that the keynote was good, if not one of his best.
For you iPhone haters, you people seem to think hardware makes the product revolutionary. Since you think so, you're right then. The iPhone in terms of hardware is nothing special. Got the standard CPU, standard 2.5G things, etc. But, there is more things that make it revolutionary then hardware. The UI is what makes the iPhone revolutionary. How you navigate the iPhone is revolutionary. How easy it is to use it and navigate through it. Ok, so it uses flash instead of an HD. How do most people treat their cell phones? Most people I see their cell phones are beat up. Scratches galore, etc. I bet the HD would be killed within weeks. Not to mention the extra thickness and power usage. 8 GB is the highest affordable flash you can put in a product right now so Apple didn't skimp out on that. Plus, the iPhone is a phone first and foremost. The iPod part is just a feature on it. I love how someone avoided the question, " What else were you hoping for?" Doesn't answer the question at all. Just continues the BS on how the iPhone isn't revolutionary.
For most part, the iPhone haters simply don't get the point of Apple. Why Apple makes the products the way they do. They have been brainwashed by other companies throwing in technology galore into their products. What is the point of adding even more technology if the current technology in the product isn't easy to use? You're just going to confuse the crap out of your customer base. That is where Apple steps in. Apple takes the technology and makes it easier to use. So Apple doesn't always use the latest and greatest stuff in their products. Look at the original Mac. Nothing really new in there hardware wise. But, it changed how we used a computer. Fast forward to 2001 when the iPod was introduced. It was just another HD based MP3 player. Had nothing the competition. The iPod did what the other MP3 players could do. Yet, what made the iPod revolutionary was the way we navigated through an MP3 player and how we used it overall( the iTunes/iPod integration for example). It was easy to use and put music on it.
PS: If we bought everything Apple made why didn't the Newton and Cube sell well?
For you iPhone haters, you people seem to think hardware makes the product revolutionary. Since you think so, you're right then. The iPhone in terms of hardware is nothing special. Got the standard CPU, standard 2.5G things, etc. But, there is more things that make it revolutionary then hardware. The UI is what makes the iPhone revolutionary. How you navigate the iPhone is revolutionary. How easy it is to use it and navigate through it. Ok, so it uses flash instead of an HD. How do most people treat their cell phones? Most people I see their cell phones are beat up. Scratches galore, etc. I bet the HD would be killed within weeks. Not to mention the extra thickness and power usage. 8 GB is the highest affordable flash you can put in a product right now so Apple didn't skimp out on that. Plus, the iPhone is a phone first and foremost. The iPod part is just a feature on it. I love how someone avoided the question, " What else were you hoping for?" Doesn't answer the question at all. Just continues the BS on how the iPhone isn't revolutionary.
For most part, the iPhone haters simply don't get the point of Apple. Why Apple makes the products the way they do. They have been brainwashed by other companies throwing in technology galore into their products. What is the point of adding even more technology if the current technology in the product isn't easy to use? You're just going to confuse the crap out of your customer base. That is where Apple steps in. Apple takes the technology and makes it easier to use. So Apple doesn't always use the latest and greatest stuff in their products. Look at the original Mac. Nothing really new in there hardware wise. But, it changed how we used a computer. Fast forward to 2001 when the iPod was introduced. It was just another HD based MP3 player. Had nothing the competition. The iPod did what the other MP3 players could do. Yet, what made the iPod revolutionary was the way we navigated through an MP3 player and how we used it overall( the iTunes/iPod integration for example). It was easy to use and put music on it.
PS: If we bought everything Apple made why didn't the Newton and Cube sell well?
May 4, 09:32 AM
Yes you do. It's called "don't sign the contract" Take it or leave it approaches are quite common in the world of contracts.
Cell phones are not considered a human right that carriers must provide to everybody.
thx god not every one has this attitude ... people were bitching about paying extra for tethering here and NO ONE even argued "but its in the contract BS" and boom, few months later it got changed. just bc something is in a obvs greedy network contract doesnt mean it shouldnt be changed or makes it right.
this "i won't complain cuz i as one can't do anything about it anyway" approach makes me sick
Cell phones are not considered a human right that carriers must provide to everybody.
thx god not every one has this attitude ... people were bitching about paying extra for tethering here and NO ONE even argued "but its in the contract BS" and boom, few months later it got changed. just bc something is in a obvs greedy network contract doesnt mean it shouldnt be changed or makes it right.
this "i won't complain cuz i as one can't do anything about it anyway" approach makes me sick
Mar 28, 03:32 PM
I never said it was perfect. If you have many apps as I do that DON'T have automatic updates then it is a royal pain in the ass to go to their site(assuming you even know where it is), download it again, unpackage the dmg, and place it in my applications folder. Sure, if you only have a few apps then it isn't THAT bad but I have upwards to 20 apps that I have to do this with. It's a chore. With the Mac App Store I can take a quick glance, click update all if there are any updates and be done with it.
If I understand some of you on this thread correctly then it is my opinion that you've missed the point, slightly.
I don't think that the merits or demerits of the mac app store are the core point here. The store may be good, excellent, bad, poor, draconian, onerous or whatever but Apple is going to award programming and application awards to only those apps that are distributed through their application store.
Even if you think the store is great, hell even if the store IS GREAT, don't you also feel that it isn't the ONLY way to get quality, well made applications.
Apple is only promoting application which it profits from AND which conform to its Terms of Service.
The offensive part for me is just how unapologetic they seem to be showing bias for what makes them money, not with what may be driving the platform or solving user needs/wants.
I anticipate that some may remind me about Apple's responsibility to shareholders and about being a profitable business and therefore say that it is obvious that they support the apps from which they make a profit. I just think that is an oversimplification of situation and I think this does more to hurt the image of the platform, rather than improve it. It does more to hurt developer interest than it does improve developer interest in the mac platform. Long term, I'd rather see them building an enthusiasm for their products (including the mac app store) for their own merits.
If I understand some of you on this thread correctly then it is my opinion that you've missed the point, slightly.
I don't think that the merits or demerits of the mac app store are the core point here. The store may be good, excellent, bad, poor, draconian, onerous or whatever but Apple is going to award programming and application awards to only those apps that are distributed through their application store.
Even if you think the store is great, hell even if the store IS GREAT, don't you also feel that it isn't the ONLY way to get quality, well made applications.
Apple is only promoting application which it profits from AND which conform to its Terms of Service.
The offensive part for me is just how unapologetic they seem to be showing bias for what makes them money, not with what may be driving the platform or solving user needs/wants.
I anticipate that some may remind me about Apple's responsibility to shareholders and about being a profitable business and therefore say that it is obvious that they support the apps from which they make a profit. I just think that is an oversimplification of situation and I think this does more to hurt the image of the platform, rather than improve it. It does more to hurt developer interest than it does improve developer interest in the mac platform. Long term, I'd rather see them building an enthusiasm for their products (including the mac app store) for their own merits.
Mar 5, 03:43 PM
Apple don't do all that much innovating themselves. They just buy small companies who innovate then sell it as their own.
It's a bit more complicated than that in reality but generally that's where their stuff comes from.
It's a bit more complicated than that in reality but generally that's where their stuff comes from.
Jan 15, 04:05 PM
This has to be one of the worst Macworld keynotes ever....and there were a couple of stinkers. I mean....where are the new MacBook Pros? Where is a new Mini? Where is an AppleTV with an OPTICAL DRIVE! Nowhere to be seen. What do we get? A new laptop where they charge us more and give us less. I mean...when was the last time Apple shipped a computer without Firewire??? Please! Hell...they should have saved the Mac Pro announcement for today, to add SOMETHING to the awful show. Maybe then my portfolio wouldn't have taken the dive it did. Come on, Steve, is this the best you can do? Where are these new Apple/Intel devices??? My biggest disappointment is the lack of Blu-Ray though. I mean, no new iPod? No new iPhone. I mean....I don't need anything HUGE, just some storage increases. Bad....bad bad bad.
Apr 23, 11:46 AM
Unions ... undermine the free market and are ruining state budgets

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Apr 12, 03:13 PM
Wait......do you guys have a little obsession with cupcakes, or an obsession with little cupcakes?
I just want to be clear, that's all. ;)
Haha. :D That's a good one. I LOL at that! :p
I just want to be clear, that's all. ;)
Haha. :D That's a good one. I LOL at that! :p
Oct 3, 12:30 AM
Wouldn't it be ironic if the once closed iPod+iTunes ecosystem suddenly became open to every music store except the Zune Marketplace? Fairplay would effectively replace PlaysForSure, the only closed DRM would be the Zune's, and every other music player manufacturer would be left with no music store compatibility at all until they slowly die... And the mythic Apple vs Micro$oft war would rage once again.
As others have mentionned, I see 2 negative things with this:

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Thread: Best Friend Quotes
As others have mentionned, I see 2 negative things with this:
Mar 29, 07:20 AM
Good. I'm all in favor of Apple adding more incentives for devs to embrace the Mac App store. As a consumer I really like the idea of an App Store that makes buying and installing as easy as one click as well as fostering competition between comparable apps.
Yes, the AppStore makes it (too) easy to comfortably spend money.
But as a consumer, I HATE the fact that I cannot sell the software that I purchased in the AppStore once I don't need or want it anymore. You know, this is my LEGAL RIGHT here in Germany, and with stuff bought from the AppStore, I don't have the possibility to execute this right because the AppStore does not have an option to transfer licenses to a new owner.
Valve's Steam platform has the same limitation, so sadly this is not unique to Apple's store.
This is why DRMed content should always be boycotted. DRM is not about granting the customer certain rights, it is exclusively about restricting his rights. In this case even to the extent to deny a customer his legal rights.
I don't have a problem with traditional license keys. That's a copy protection mechanism that I can tolerate. Activation procedures are already problematic (they are unreliable at best), but to dongle software to a specific user account in an online store without enabling the user to transfer that software to a different account should be prohibited by law.
It'll be their loss, especially since competitors like MS will follow suit and introduce a similar distribution model. Eventually everyone will be in the game, for the the simple reason that they'd like to duplicate Apple's success.
1. You intentionally ignored the point that referred to Apple's Terms of Service. For example, applications like VMWare Fusion, Parallels Desktop or even SuperDuper! could never be distributed through the Mac AppStore because they belong in a category that Apple does not ALLOW in their AppStore. As a matter of fact, even their own Xcode violates their TOS. But they wouldn't be Apple if the same rules also applied to themselves...
2. There won't be a Microsoft AppStore for Windows INTEGRATED INTO WINDOWS. EVER. Why? Because they can't for LEGAL reasons. Anti-trust lawsuits, anyone? Microsoft would only get away with that if they implemented a "choose your AppStore" program that would let the people choose which online store they want to use - just like they had to do it for the web browsers. I think that Apple should also be forced to do the same. After all, there is at least one other "AppStore" for the Mac out there that is even OLDER than Apple's own AppStore, and Apple misuses their power to drive those guys out of business. People stopped using Netscape when Internet Explorer came pre-installed on the operating system. Now people will not even try to look for another online store when the AppStore and iTunes are pre-installed on their computers. The same thing. The same rules should apply to Apple as they obviously apply to Microsoft.
Yes, the AppStore makes it (too) easy to comfortably spend money.
But as a consumer, I HATE the fact that I cannot sell the software that I purchased in the AppStore once I don't need or want it anymore. You know, this is my LEGAL RIGHT here in Germany, and with stuff bought from the AppStore, I don't have the possibility to execute this right because the AppStore does not have an option to transfer licenses to a new owner.
Valve's Steam platform has the same limitation, so sadly this is not unique to Apple's store.
This is why DRMed content should always be boycotted. DRM is not about granting the customer certain rights, it is exclusively about restricting his rights. In this case even to the extent to deny a customer his legal rights.
I don't have a problem with traditional license keys. That's a copy protection mechanism that I can tolerate. Activation procedures are already problematic (they are unreliable at best), but to dongle software to a specific user account in an online store without enabling the user to transfer that software to a different account should be prohibited by law.
It'll be their loss, especially since competitors like MS will follow suit and introduce a similar distribution model. Eventually everyone will be in the game, for the the simple reason that they'd like to duplicate Apple's success.
1. You intentionally ignored the point that referred to Apple's Terms of Service. For example, applications like VMWare Fusion, Parallels Desktop or even SuperDuper! could never be distributed through the Mac AppStore because they belong in a category that Apple does not ALLOW in their AppStore. As a matter of fact, even their own Xcode violates their TOS. But they wouldn't be Apple if the same rules also applied to themselves...
2. There won't be a Microsoft AppStore for Windows INTEGRATED INTO WINDOWS. EVER. Why? Because they can't for LEGAL reasons. Anti-trust lawsuits, anyone? Microsoft would only get away with that if they implemented a "choose your AppStore" program that would let the people choose which online store they want to use - just like they had to do it for the web browsers. I think that Apple should also be forced to do the same. After all, there is at least one other "AppStore" for the Mac out there that is even OLDER than Apple's own AppStore, and Apple misuses their power to drive those guys out of business. People stopped using Netscape when Internet Explorer came pre-installed on the operating system. Now people will not even try to look for another online store when the AppStore and iTunes are pre-installed on their computers. The same thing. The same rules should apply to Apple as they obviously apply to Microsoft.

l3lack J4ck
Nov 23, 10:19 PM
ok another question...if i go into a retail store and their sold out of hte macbook i want...can i pay and have it shipped...i know i can use the online store its just that i cant use a credit card or have access to one....
so would i still get the same discount?
and also....at the retail store...do u think they'll be SUPER busy with other things and too busy for me?
so would i still get the same discount?
and also....at the retail store...do u think they'll be SUPER busy with other things and too busy for me?
Jan 15, 01:14 PM
Pretty much standard procedure from apple. Although i was dissapointed with one thing...NO "ONE MORE THING".....:eek:
apart from that, expect the usual complaints...and take a look at the price of a macbookair with a SSD! :eek:
im happy though, my SR macbook is still top of the range! and justifys me buying it in december :D
apart from that, expect the usual complaints...and take a look at the price of a macbookair with a SSD! :eek:
im happy though, my SR macbook is still top of the range! and justifys me buying it in december :D
Sep 25, 01:00 PM
LAME! Apple you suck.
May 2, 01:27 PM
I have been playing with the Lion Preview for a few weeks, on and off, and I am not liking what I see.
I like the minimalist look, to some extent. It feels very clean and Jobsian, but I feel like many of the features I rely on have been changed. For example:

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I like the minimalist look, to some extent. It feels very clean and Jobsian, but I feel like many of the features I rely on have been changed. For example:
Sep 25, 11:38 AM
I think it is a great update!!! Aperture will develop into an application that I just dont want to miss. I use both aperture and lightroom, both have their pros and cons. I can't wait to see where both apps stand in two years. I will go to the Photokina on wednesday and will let you know how aperture 1.5 feels.;)
Aug 3, 04:25 PM
Nokia???? What's a 'Nokia'?
Apr 25, 03:07 PM
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
iPhone 4G
iPhone 4GS
Design change every 2 years. Speed bump up next year after design change. Communication technology change every 4 years.
iPhone 3G
iPhone 3GS
iPhone 4
iPhone 4S
iPhone 4G
iPhone 4GS
Design change every 2 years. Speed bump up next year after design change. Communication technology change every 4 years.
Jan 9, 02:22 PM
I just PM'ed Arn
Sep 12, 08:09 AM
Considering that the videos are showing up on the German QuickTime page I think that the movie store is likely to be launched across Europe and Canada as well as the states.
I just hope that the quality of the downloads is good enough to watch on an external tv.
I just hope that the quality of the downloads is good enough to watch on an external tv.
Jan 12, 05:10 AM
Steve Jobs s***s on a stage and you all gather around to share the love.
Steve Jobs released the iCrap? Cool. I gotta get me some of that.
Steve Jobs released the iCrap? Cool. I gotta get me some of that.
Apr 15, 08:09 PM
Heh, just because it looks fake doesn't mean we should rule out the fact that it COULD be a prototype. :D
Jul 21, 08:40 PM
go Apple. fight fire with fire.
May 3, 02:34 PM
Why is it that Google always touts how open is so good, then they realize that, oh, guess we should tighten things up a bit, maybe being too open is not such a good thing.
Problem is that it is mostly open for the carriers to do whatever they want - less open for the user thanks to carrier modifications to the OS.
Shocking that carriers would take steps to stop people from stealing service from them.
Too many people think they are entitled to get everything for free. No matter if it is a new service for $20 a year or if it is tethering they didn't pay for ... Don't know where people get it from that they should get everything for free (or cheap). If you want tethering, pay for it. The cell phone planes (without tethering) are calculated on a typical single (mobile) device usage - using it for more devices is stealing (you know, you signed the contract with the rules - if you don't like it you shouldn't have signed up)
Problem is that it is mostly open for the carriers to do whatever they want - less open for the user thanks to carrier modifications to the OS.
Shocking that carriers would take steps to stop people from stealing service from them.
Too many people think they are entitled to get everything for free. No matter if it is a new service for $20 a year or if it is tethering they didn't pay for ... Don't know where people get it from that they should get everything for free (or cheap). If you want tethering, pay for it. The cell phone planes (without tethering) are calculated on a typical single (mobile) device usage - using it for more devices is stealing (you know, you signed the contract with the rules - if you don't like it you shouldn't have signed up)
Aug 17, 04:22 PM
Received my replacement display today:
Stuck green pixel.
Gray dot in the center, looks like dust behind lcd glass?
Even backlight, or sort off.
Lots of ghosting...
This display is going back as well. I'll call tomorrow. I'll ask for one more replacement, otherwise i want a refund.
C'mon Apple, how hard is it to get me a nice 23" display? I have one already, without ghosting, some backlight leakage ok, but I just want a second display to go with it. Is it that hard?
You can't see the issue as clearly as in real life, but you can see the edges of the windows clearly. I can still read the songs of my itunes library while I closed iTunes 20 seconds ago.
Stuck green pixel.
Gray dot in the center, looks like dust behind lcd glass?
Even backlight, or sort off.
Lots of ghosting...
This display is going back as well. I'll call tomorrow. I'll ask for one more replacement, otherwise i want a refund.
C'mon Apple, how hard is it to get me a nice 23" display? I have one already, without ghosting, some backlight leakage ok, but I just want a second display to go with it. Is it that hard?
You can't see the issue as clearly as in real life, but you can see the edges of the windows clearly. I can still read the songs of my itunes library while I closed iTunes 20 seconds ago.
Apr 21, 11:14 AM
The counter is crap anyway. It goes from -1 to +1 without a 0. And it seems completely random.
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